Monday, 21 November 2016


Sulfur or sulphur is a natural mineral that comes from the process of volcanism, sulfur can be found in mountainous regions, and typically there is also a natural warm water containing sulfur.
Sulfur does have a smell that somewhat less moderate, but sulfur has tremendous benefits especially for skin health and our bodies. Benefits of sulfur for health has indeed could not doubt, because many people who are proven to be cured by doing treatment using sulfur. Because of this improved, no wonder many skin care productsthat use basic ingredients of sulfur.

Benefits of sulfur for natural skin care

Sulfur can treat acne problem
Many people have a problem with skin breakouts, acne on the face or acne on the back. Sulfur materials has anti-bacterial properties that can kill the bacteria and germs that cause development of pimples on the face. You could do a treatment using sulfur mask on a regular basis to get rid of acne through to its roots, and also prevent new acne arises.

Sulfur can treat the problem hives on the skin
The problem hives on the skin can be caused due to bacteria and germs, and if not immediately corrected then can be irritating because of frequent scratching, and is the most severe infections. Therefore, we should immediately resolve it, and one way is by using sulfur. To cure diseases itching you could soak in warm water containing sulfur for approximately 30 minutes. Do at least 2 weeks in order to make the problem hives on the skin could be resolved soon.

Sulfur can overcome panu and ringworm
Have ringworm and panu will certainly spoil the beauty of your skin, and can make someone become not confident. Well.. sulfur materials are also useful for troubleshooting panu and ringworm. You can mix the powdered sulfur with vegetable oil, thenrub it on the skin there is ringworm or panu. Do so routinely get satisfactory results.

That's the last few benefits of sulfur for healthy skin facial and body naturally. To getsulfur, you could search for it to the drug store or the traditional market at prices that are not too expensive. Hopefully this information can be useful and can be a reference for you.

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